Use the Clashes Screen
The Clashes screen is used to manage clashes within Block Matrix. Clashes are courses that have blocks or periods in common, which would result in a timetable requiring learners to be in two or more places at the same time.
Use the Clashes screen to:

To generate clashes, select a level from the drop-down and click the Generate Clashes button in the Clashes group on the Block Matrix ribbon.
Clash levels refer to the number of courses involved (that is: Level 2 clashes involve two courses, Level 3 involves three courses, and so on). The clash management process is limited to four levels.

Click the down arrows on the header bar if you want to filter the clash results.
The fields in the filter bar are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Clash filter including |
Displays all clashes in the Clashes grid involving courses where the course code or description contains the text string entered. Multiple strings can be entered separated by spaces (for example: entering “French Spanish” returns all clashes for courses with a description including either term. This field is not case-sensitive. |
Excluding |
Courses where the course code or description contains the string entered into this field will be excluded from the search. This field is not case-sensitive. |
With learners | Whether to only display clashes where at least one learner is affected (according to current enrolments). |
Filter Groups |
Whether to mirror results in the Block Groups List to the results in the Clashes panel. This is selected by default. You cannot apply both this filter and the Filter groups by filter. |
Filter groups by |
Restricts the Block Groups List to display only groups for courses with codes or descriptions containing the text string entered. Multiple strings can be entered separated by spaces (for example: entering “French Spanish” returns all clashes for courses with a description including either term. This field is not case-sensitive. You cannot apply both this filter and the Filter Groups filter. |

The Block Groups List displays the current allocation of course groups to blocks.
Use the Block Groups List to do the following:
- When the block groups list is filtered for groups involved in a clash (that is: when the Filter Groups check box is selected) it can be used to assess the likely cause of the clash
When filters are not applied, it can be printed and used as a reference by guidance tutors when discussing course options with learners. To print, right-click in a block and select the Print option.
View further information about a course group by clicking the relevant down arrow
This displays additional fields which can be used to view and edit information about the group without having to return to the Groups Overview screen:
- Disabled - whether the course group is currently disabled
- Group code - the current group code
Block - the block to which the course group is allocated
Editing this field impacts existing clashes and load balancing. Ensure to re-run these processes.
Periods - allows you to view and edit the periods of the chosen block that the course group uses
Editing this field impacts existing clashes and load balancing. Ensure to re-run these processes.